Chelsea Dillo

Chelsea Dillo

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Girls, Never Let Anyone Tell You That You Aren't Beautiful

Dear A. and S.,

   From the moment that I saw your face, I fell in love. I was overtaken by your beauty. Your blue eyes, your dimples, your dark curls. Absolutely perfect in every way. Your beauty has never faded, in fact it's grown. Because as you've grown, I've been blessed to watch your personalities develop, your character, and your inner beauty that continues to captivate me every day. 
   But there will come a time when someone will be too ignorant to see what I see in you. Someone will say something unkind, untrue, and will tell you that you aren't beautiful. Don't believe them. You're a miracle of grace and love, a gift from Heaven when I began to lose hope. You are a wish God granted to me, and He has made you perfect.
   When you're faced with someone who is unkind and tells you that you aren't pretty, show kindness in return. Be gracious. This is part of your inner beauty. Those who cant see the beauty in others often can not see the beauty in themselves. Be the one who opens their eyes to all that is lovely within themselves and the world around them.
   Be confident in your beauty. Hold your head high, little girl. You're amazing, and I should know! I've watched you since your heart began beating, and you have never ceased to astonish me. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl who is secure in the skin God gave her.
   Be humble. Though you are gorgeous, you are human. Every human has their own beauty. And every human has their own faults, scars, and stories. You will have them too. Appreciate them. You may think them ugly, but I promise, they are part of what makes you lovely. 
   Don't share your beauty with anyone who is unworthy. Wait for the man who is captivated by your character as well as your smile, who has no hesitation to embrace your scars as well as your skin, who longs to get lost in your soul as deeply as your eyes. Find a man who is equally as beautiful beneath the surface, who shows kindness to others, who treats you the way you want your own daughters to be treated. Find a man who sees you as I do.
   Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful. Because baby, you're absolutely magical. And that's a fact unchanged by physical appearance. True beauty shines from the inside out, so keep doing what you know is right, keep sharing your smile and your heart with the world, and others will see it too.
   I'm proud of you both, you're growing into a gorgeous ladies. Don't stop shining.

Love you Always, Mom

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